Monday, 4 July 2016

125. The end….ave atque vale…

The Installation Court Meeting marks the end of the Master’s year of office. This year the Court Meeting was held in the Old Royal Navy College in Greenwich. Towards the close of the meeting I reflected on my year and the support given by everybody I had met. Adjourning the Court meeting we then processed to the King William Undercroft where the Ceremony of Installation took place. Thanks are extended to my family, especially Georgina and my son, Liveryman Simon, the blog-master David, and my many friends in the Company and the City.
The Master’s Blog continues with the new Master, Keith Tozzi.

124. Brunel is 50

Celebrating Brunel University London’s 50th Anniversary with a Gala Dinner on Thursday 30 June seemed a good idea at the time. The local MP for Hillingdon would provide a key address whilst contributions would come from Chancellor Sir Richard Sykes, Vice-Chancellor Julia Buckingham (right). In the event, one Boris Johnston did appear and made an encouraging speech praising the University and its place in the local community. Not so welcome (to Boris) was the demand from John Holland-Kaye, Chief Executive Office, Heathrow Airport, for a third runway!

The evening though passed without a serious confrontation with Boris (right) having to go back early to his political colleagues to sort out what was becoming a nightmare. Brunel has good relationship with employers in the area who provide industrial placements for its students. The Water Conservation Trust has supported Masters Programmes at Brunel for a decade.